Saturday, 29 August 2009

NCT was great!

Learnt loads already, the group are really nice. Two more couples to meet next week when they are back from holiday and I am sure we will form some great bonds. The boys especially as they seem to need to catch up - all us girls are mums already in our heads but it's harder for them as the physical stuff isn't happening to them.

Just over 9 weeks to go now and it's amazing to think I have been pregnant since February - it has flown by but seems like so long ago at the same time. Really need to finish everything - I am going to get some sheets for the crib today so we are more ready on the sleeping front. Will try and do a 31 week photo ready for posting on Monday. I don't think I look much different but people at work keep saying the bump is getting pretty big!

Thursday, 27 August 2009

NCT starts tonight!

Excited! There are 8 couples apparently, only downside is we're at Redhill Methodist Church which makes me think of hard uncomfortable chairs! And we need to sit in them for 2 hours.... eek.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

The end is nigh...

Worked this out yesterday.

I am on holiday from 2nd Oct for a week followed by maternity leave which starts officially on 12th Oct! That means just under 6 weeks left in the office. Most weeks I have at least one day at home either as holiday or working from home, so I can truly start believing that the commute is nearly over... Am very excited! But it focuses the mind - I need to start working on a proper handover to my team, not to mention finish the nursery! Eeek!

Sunday, 9 August 2009

28 week bump and a new arrival!

The ever growing bump! Who knows how big it's going to get! All I know is I will be glad when the commuting is at an end...

Congratulations to Flyingpops and Finkangel who welcomed their brand new son into the world 5 weeks early on 6.8.09. Bizarre to have commuted in with you on Wednesday, the following day you had your baby! You did say you felt like you had had enough now and that you were ready to stop... famous last words eh. Lots of love to you all xxx

Sunday, 2 August 2009

27 week bump...

Speaks for itself really! It's bigger than I thought from looking in the mirror!!