Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Testing the iPhone

Thought as I now have my hands full I would download an app that means I can blog from my phone!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Today is the day

Induction day today!
Actually had some contractions in the night but they have stopped now. Hope that means things are going in the right direction as it may make the induction easier?!
Have called the hospital and they have room for me so have asked us to go in at 8.30am.
More later (possibly!)...

Friday, 6 November 2009

Coming to terms with things...

So if it is to be an induction then so be it. The most important thing is that baby and I come through the process unscathed; what the process is/how it starts etc is not the main issue. I dreamt of a natural birth, low lighting, birthing pool, tens machine, all 'just so' but if that is not to be I have to come to terms with that. And look at it in the cold light of day and ask myself how important it actually is?

Obviously, being an only child and being feisty and wanting everything my way, (I am a nice person, honestly, though I know it doesn't sound like it!) my first reaction is to stamp my feet (metaphorically speaking) and stubbornly continue with the original plan, but now that I am a mummy, I really need to see the bigger picture as hard as that is for me. And the bigger picture is that many women have inductions, c sections and the like, most women probably don't give birth the way they would have chosen. But are they happy once the baby is placed into their arms? I would say pretty much 100% yes. And that is the main thing isn't it.

We are booked in for Wednesday 11th November, but I have an appointment at the day unit tomorrow for more blood pressure monitoring and a chat about the induction because I am scared. We'll see what happens from there.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Bit grumpy

still nothing doing here....gaahh!

Monday, 2 November 2009

40 weeks and counting...

So the 40 weeks are officially up but no news yet sadly! Two NCT group babies have arrived safely into the world but ours seems far too comfortable! Come on little one, it's a lovely sunny day today, perfect for a first day on earth! Mind you there has been an arrival... that of a stinking cold for me and a bad cough and throat for Simon - pants!

We took Lucy for a walk in the dark last night and I got Simon to take a pic of me - it's off centre due to the darkness rather than his camera skills obviously! I wanted to capture the bump at its biggest but hey, there may be more growth to come if little one doesn't arrive soon!!!!