Thursday, 28 January 2010

I love Coloursplash!!

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Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Work... still on my mind

Harry is really coming into his own now. Such a cute, sunny personality (most of the time, but not always!), he is an absolute joy to be with.

I have work like a dark cloud fogging the back of my brain, there like an elephant in the room. The fact is I will have to go back at some point, but I am going to get my calculator out to try and see how long we can survive without the salary for. I can technically have up until the end of September but we will see!

I think it is so sad the way life is these days - I really believe the best thing for most Mums and their children is for Mum to be at home with them. (Not all, mind. I do appreciate that we are all different so one size definitely does not fit all.) I wish I had thought deeply about this before being such a 'consumer'. I am probably the biggest consumer I know. Of all things. If we had been more frugal it would be much easier to consider being at home. Makes me feel sad and a little foolish.

I have some ideas about what I can do to make some money in a way that fits in more with the life I want to have with my family. Those ideas tap into my creative side that has laid dormant for the last 12 or so years. A long time to sit on such a strong side of my personality. I think becoming a mother has made me more in touch with who I am and I have discovered I am a person that I like. A bonus I suppose! ;)

A little deeper than I intended but there you have it.

Monday, 25 January 2010


I took Harry into my office today to show him off to everyone. He was gorgeous as usual. Lots of people asked me when I am going back to work but he's 10 weeks old, how can I even talk about it at the moment?! How can I leave these chubby cheeks while I go off to work?!

It's really made me think. This is simply the best job in the world and I can't imagine anything else right now.

Love you so much Harry xxx

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Sunday, 24 January 2010

Sleep, glorious sleep!!

Harry went for 9 hours last night! I am so proud of him.
Going to try to recreate what I did last night so fingers crossed he does it again!!
See, he's happy too!!!

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Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Coloursplash for iPhone...

I have downloaded this for my phone and it seems awesome though I am still experimenting with it so far. I have always loved the old coloured photos from the 20's, 30's (?) and this is kind of similar. It converts your pic to grayscale and then you can put the original colour back in wherever you want, so in this pic I have made Harry's eyes blue again and as I love the hat he's wearing I've given that colour too. Cool huh.

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Friday, 15 January 2010


Despite still having a poorly tum, Harry didn't wake for his last feed last night, and slept through his nappy change too. He woke at 4am for a feed, having gone from 7.30pm!! Well done Harry!

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Thursday, 14 January 2010

It's raining...

It's melting, this girl is so happy!!!

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Not fun

Had to remove Lucy's bandage as I think it was too tight - after having it on for 12 hours she was freaking out, not able to walk on it at all, kicking out her leg like the nerves were on edge and generally very miserable. No doubt the vet won't be impressed but I'm not impressed with her - sure it's not meant to cause issues like that!

So anyway, the day just gets better! Technically it's tomorrow already. Better get some sleep.

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Wednesday, 13 January 2010

This week is pants

Can't get anywhere easily due to the snow, Harry is still poorly, Lucy has a cut paw so had to have a bandage and glue at the vets (£59 so far...) and Simon is on nights so effectively I'm a single Mum.
Get well Harry, mummy's worried. Lucy stop running through the bushes as then you won't get come across glass and Simon... There's nothing you can do other than go to work and bring home the bacon. Sigh.

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Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Oh and the snow...

Seems to be melting a bit more now but there is yet more forecast for overnight. We will see what the morning brings.
We have ordered a mountain buggy and it should arrive tomorrow - really hope so as it will make taking the dog out a much easier process even in the snow not least because it has proper tyres and all round suspension! Eeek I can't wait!

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Poorly tummy

Poor little man has an upset tummy. Have been to the doctor twice in 24 hours and have been very impressed at how thorough they are with a young baby. Main concern is potential dehydration but he's judged not to be dehdrated so onwards we go, hoping it passes soon. He's ok in himself though he's quite sleepy today but when I'm ill it makes me tired so I'm not surprised he's having lots of snoozes.
In between he's reasonably happy though. This is him in the kitchen watching me tidy up and make chicken soup. It's good for the soul you know. :)

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Monday, 11 January 2010

Life and how it changes

So Harry John Cosmo arrived at 11.26pm on 13th November 2009 following a long labour.

Life since has been fantastic. Exhausting but wonderful.
He is such a happy, contented baby, he's a joy to be around. (Apart from when he has wind!)

The pic is from bathtime with Daddy on Saturday.

Starting swimming classes in Feb, can't wait!!

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