Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Back to camping?

We've still got the camping bug, but as our Bell Tent got ruined (Gareth!!!!"£$%^ - he paid for it so it's ok really!) now have a 6 1/2 month old baby as well as a dog who gets spooked at the slightest sound outside, methinks tenting is not for us any longer.
What to do?
Retro caravan of course! Am eBaying like mad just watching loads of vans and getting an idea of what is cool and what is most definitely not cool... Need to look at how big we could go without knackering our car, how much we could realistically spend, what on earth caravanning is all about, could I customise a 70's/80's van with funky fabric to give us the cool look we love about retro canvas camping.... so much to think about and so many questions to answer! I love a project!!!

I'd love something like this!!

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Harry at six months old

I can't believe that Harry is now 6 months old. Seems hard to believe that someone who has only been with us for half a year has made and continues to make such a positive difference to our lives. I am writing this at 22.05 the day before and this time 6 months ago I was in total agony having been induced due to going over my dates. The day before Harry was born was the worst day of my life so far I have to say. I have never ever felt such pain. The process of being induced dragged on so long I almost didn't believe we would even have a baby. He was just so comfortable in there :)

At 23.26 on 13th November 2009 (Friday 13th!!), Harry joined us and it was one of the happiest moments our lives. He was placed onto my chest and I felt the most incredible love. Love like none I had ever felt before. Next I thought "My goodness you are heavy!!" And he was, relatively, at 8lb 15oz. He is now tipping the scales at just under 23lb. Scoffing most things he is presented with, giggling when his feet are tickled (or in fact whenever takes his fancy, if Mummy or Daddy say something random or pull a funny face), crying real tears when he is upset :(, making our lives totally and utterly complete. He is our gorgeous happy boy and being his Mummy is the best job in the world. Love you Harry, more than you can ever know until the day you have your own children. Amazing. xxxx