Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Testing the iPhone

Thought as I now have my hands full I would download an app that means I can blog from my phone!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Today is the day

Induction day today!
Actually had some contractions in the night but they have stopped now. Hope that means things are going in the right direction as it may make the induction easier?!
Have called the hospital and they have room for me so have asked us to go in at 8.30am.
More later (possibly!)...

Friday, 6 November 2009

Coming to terms with things...

So if it is to be an induction then so be it. The most important thing is that baby and I come through the process unscathed; what the process is/how it starts etc is not the main issue. I dreamt of a natural birth, low lighting, birthing pool, tens machine, all 'just so' but if that is not to be I have to come to terms with that. And look at it in the cold light of day and ask myself how important it actually is?

Obviously, being an only child and being feisty and wanting everything my way, (I am a nice person, honestly, though I know it doesn't sound like it!) my first reaction is to stamp my feet (metaphorically speaking) and stubbornly continue with the original plan, but now that I am a mummy, I really need to see the bigger picture as hard as that is for me. And the bigger picture is that many women have inductions, c sections and the like, most women probably don't give birth the way they would have chosen. But are they happy once the baby is placed into their arms? I would say pretty much 100% yes. And that is the main thing isn't it.

We are booked in for Wednesday 11th November, but I have an appointment at the day unit tomorrow for more blood pressure monitoring and a chat about the induction because I am scared. We'll see what happens from there.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Bit grumpy

still nothing doing here....gaahh!

Monday, 2 November 2009

40 weeks and counting...

So the 40 weeks are officially up but no news yet sadly! Two NCT group babies have arrived safely into the world but ours seems far too comfortable! Come on little one, it's a lovely sunny day today, perfect for a first day on earth! Mind you there has been an arrival... that of a stinking cold for me and a bad cough and throat for Simon - pants!

We took Lucy for a walk in the dark last night and I got Simon to take a pic of me - it's off centre due to the darkness rather than his camera skills obviously! I wanted to capture the bump at its biggest but hey, there may be more growth to come if little one doesn't arrive soon!!!!

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

38 weeks and 1 day...

So we're still here. Lots of trips to the loo at night but lots of nice lie ins til after 8am - am feeling really relaxed and am getting into this life. Just in time for it to be turned upside down when the baby arrives, ha ha! Have got everything now, so whenever the baby does decide to put in an appearance that is just fine by us!
Am not so concerned about the birth; more what you are meant to do with this small dependent creature once you get home! We will just have to wing it and make it up as we go, just like all first time parents. And that has even come from our NCT teacher so it must be right! And it is so good to have people around us who can offer advice and reassurance so I am sure we'll suss it out at some point.
Seeing the NCT girls tomorrow for coffee in Priory Park - that will be our regular slot. I can just picture the scene - 8 girls cluttering up the cafe with their prams (mostly Bugaboo's by the sound of it!), annoying people falling over our changing bags, ha ha!

Saturday, 3 October 2009

30 days to go!

Can't believe it! Finished work yesterday and didn't quite feel the relief that I had been feeling earlier in the week, I think it just feels a bit odd now, ha ha. Handing in the Blackberry was quite bizarre.... clearly a bit of an addiction, it will be odd having it back in July next year.
So, all that remains to be done is to relax lots, buy a baby monitor and a cot top changer, have coffee and lunch with several friends, and get into yummy mummy mode.... life has changed so much since 28th February when we found out I was pregnant. The whole world feels different now, it is pretty emotional but in a very good way. Can't wait to meet our little bubba.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

35 weeks + 3 days

Went to see the midwife today and I am measuring 38cm which is meant to mean 38 weeks. As you can see from the heading this is ahead of where my dates say I am... I am therefore thinking I will either be early or have a monster child... ! Either way, baby is still head down hopefully to stay that way. I can feel the curve of the back down my right side, and little prodding hands and feet on the left. The heartbeat sounded good, and basically all is well! I haven't managed to take any photo's of me for about 6 weeks which is bad, really must as it will be a good memento to look back on.
We have 2 more NCT classes to go and the group is bonding. The boys are probably going out for beers and a curry soon... I am having tea and cake with a couple of my new friends on Wednesday next week.
Last day of work tomorrow which is highly exciting. Can't wait to relax properly and get mentally ready for what is about to happen. All life changing lovely stuff, bring it on!

Thursday, 3 September 2009

We are so happy!

Have been very worried about a blood test result as it was thought I might have gestational diabetes but the obstetrician is happy that I am in the normal range of sugar levels so has signed me off - no more hospital visits, yay!!! She said that I am considered low risk at the moment, which is so not what I was expecting. Blood pressures are all ok too, so very, very happy.
More NCT tonight so really looking forward to that. It's great being able to talk baby and learn about baby for 2 hours without feeling guilty you might be boring someone ;-)

Saturday, 29 August 2009

NCT was great!

Learnt loads already, the group are really nice. Two more couples to meet next week when they are back from holiday and I am sure we will form some great bonds. The boys especially as they seem to need to catch up - all us girls are mums already in our heads but it's harder for them as the physical stuff isn't happening to them.

Just over 9 weeks to go now and it's amazing to think I have been pregnant since February - it has flown by but seems like so long ago at the same time. Really need to finish everything - I am going to get some sheets for the crib today so we are more ready on the sleeping front. Will try and do a 31 week photo ready for posting on Monday. I don't think I look much different but people at work keep saying the bump is getting pretty big!

Thursday, 27 August 2009

NCT starts tonight!

Excited! There are 8 couples apparently, only downside is we're at Redhill Methodist Church which makes me think of hard uncomfortable chairs! And we need to sit in them for 2 hours.... eek.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

The end is nigh...

Worked this out yesterday.

I am on holiday from 2nd Oct for a week followed by maternity leave which starts officially on 12th Oct! That means just under 6 weeks left in the office. Most weeks I have at least one day at home either as holiday or working from home, so I can truly start believing that the commute is nearly over... Am very excited! But it focuses the mind - I need to start working on a proper handover to my team, not to mention finish the nursery! Eeek!

Sunday, 9 August 2009

28 week bump and a new arrival!

The ever growing bump! Who knows how big it's going to get! All I know is I will be glad when the commuting is at an end...

Congratulations to Flyingpops and Finkangel who welcomed their brand new son into the world 5 weeks early on 6.8.09. Bizarre to have commuted in with you on Wednesday, the following day you had your baby! You did say you felt like you had had enough now and that you were ready to stop... famous last words eh. Lots of love to you all xxx

Sunday, 2 August 2009

27 week bump...

Speaks for itself really! It's bigger than I thought from looking in the mirror!!

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

And still people sit and stare...

In general terms the age of chivalry is dead I think. People are not interested in standing up for a pregnant woman these days which is rather sad. I heard a story of a pregnant lady asking for a seat on the tube and she specifically asked someone in the priority seat. He replied and said "No, you chose to get pregnant".... how cutting and rude!! However on the plus side, today I heard another story of a man who saw a preggers lady standing on the tube, asked her why she was standing and when he heard that no-one had offered a seat he shouted at the carriage and picked a guy to stand up in shame and let her sit down. Now if only I could get me a travelling companion like that - what a hero.... :)

Monday, 13 July 2009

Scan today

We have another scan today to test the blood flow is ok. It's great to have the chance to see Baby again but you always feel nervous that there could be a problem. But thinking positively, I feel fine and am sure I would have some sense of there being something wrong if there was. Saw a friend and her bubba yesterday, he is almost 3 months and absolutely gorgeous - such a calm little fella.

Will update from the hospital later...

UPDATE 2.45pm...
All is well. The sonographer laughed as she couldn't understand why we were being referred for this type of scan. It is only used when the baby is undersized and ours is most definitely not! All measurements are above average (although not too worryingly so!) and looking at the print out we got to put in the notes the fetal weight is estimated at 1lb 8oz - good lad! (or lass, we are not finding out which it is!) When we told her who the obstetrician was, she laughed and said that explains it... we said, why is that? and she said, oh she loves her scans!!! Felt sorry as the department is so busy, we had to wait 40 mins, and for a scan we didn't need. Talk about added pressure and annoying for the staff and other ladies waiting! Oh well, it was lovely to see our little munchkin again. Going back again in 4 weeks for a 28 week scan at which point we might be signed off for good if all measurements are progressing as they should be. HAPPY!

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Commuting when pregnant

Well I just wanted to put something up about commuting when pregnant… not that this blog has very high traffic but in the hope that whoever reads it might pass on some of these issues and make people think about their actions I have spent some time putting together some thoughts and observations.

I commute using Southern Rail, transferring to Southeastern for the final leg of the journey. Journey time is a little over an hour.

My experiences to date have been quite varied but I have to say, as I am growing larger (23 weeks and counting!) I notice that people seem less willing to offer seats… which is odd.

People have been staring a lot (from the comfort of their seat!) but not wanting to be the one who takes the step of standing up and letting the pregnant lady sit down. I know it can be hard to know if someone is pregnant but really, when that person is wearing the ‘Baby on Board!’ badge that TFL dish out and looking very hot and comfortable, would it be so bad to offer? There seem to be more women than men who offer – this may be that they have been through it and know how hard it can be. Younger men and women seem utterly oblivious to anyone other than themselves and their blaring ipod/free rag/loud mobile phone conversation so there seems no hope of getting a seat from most of the people in that group. Having said that, there are exceptions to this rule that I have witnessed myself and I am loathe to make a huge sweeping statement that offends!

One hugely helpful thing is that Southern have introduced a Priority Seat system:

Priority seats can be used by anyone, but they should be given up if they’re needed more by people with disabilities, expectant mothers, elderly passengers or those carrying infants. Someone’s need for a seat may not be obvious, for example they may have a hidden disability or be in the early stages of pregnancy, it takes courage to ask someone to give up their seat so when asked please allow someone to sit down. Not everyone is comfortable with asking fellow passengers to give up a priority seat and explaining why this is necessary, so Southern is to trial a priority seat card which is designed to avoid any embarrassment in this situation

I now have my card so when the priority seats are full, I ask all eight people sat in those seats in the carriage if I can please sit down. It is quite hard to pluck up the courage to address 8 strangers, but I think it could be more awkward if you choose one person as why/how should you choose one more than the others? One guy the other day said ‘have mine, as I am getting off at the next stop’ and I was very grateful but at the same time, I did think what if you weren’t getting off, would you have kept your seat? ;-)

Just last night on the way home, I was the last to get off a Southeastern train at London Bridge. Instead of waiting for me to step off the train, I was presented with a group of about 15 people barging onto the train as I was trying to get off, bumping past me roughly, to the extent that I burst into tears afterwards. Not a nice experience.

All in all, I am trying to do what I can to protect myself and my child, as when you read reports on how commuting and stress can harm your baby, that is all the motivation you need:

Claire Friars, a midwife with Tommy's, the charity for pregnant mothers, said: "Commuting is a killer in pregnancy. Women say it is so stressful coping with the heat and being ignored on the Tube and trains. People do not offer their seat, or push past roughly hitting women's bumps. They dread it."

Experts warn stress during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth and limited growth of the baby. Women who are anxious during conception and the earliest stages of pregnancy are at greatest risk.

Andrew Shennan, Professor of Obstetrics at St Thomas' Hospital in London, said: "Pregnant women who experience heightened levels of stress for a prolonged period are at greater risk of complications such as miscarriage and premature delivery."

So there you have it. Please offer your seat when you see a pregnant woman as she needs it more than you.

Sermon over.

UPDATE: Buses are just as bad... had to catch a no 38 on Piccadilly at about 4.30 and an absolute nightmare with people pushing to get on and off, past the bump despite my protestations!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Wedding in Lynton and camping at Cloud Farm

Last weekend we went to a gorgeous wedding in Lynton, North Devon. The weather was fantastic and the two people getting married (one a good friend from when I did my degree) are supremely creative and funky!

We will definitely be back to Lynton as it is a perfect little Devonian village and I am sure there are lots of little places to spend time. If you go down on the funicular railway to Lynmouth there is a lovely pub too which is always good!

Below is the top end of the railway

Lynton Town Hall, where the wedding was

Great site, set in a valley with a little stream running through it. We will definitely be back although it was just as well that it was just one night as the airbed had a puncture...!

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Holiday in Corfu

Just got back on Monday after an idyllic week in North East Corfu. It is a heavenly place!

Hired a boat and pootled around to lots of different bays...

Also went halfway across to Albania and went round a tiny island with a lighthouse and loads of gulls and their young...

Villa Alexia, where we stayed, in between Barbati and Nissaki...

Sunset in front of Villa Alexia - we had a wonderful pool but an even more wonderful location right on the beach. It was wonderful and a couple of evenings we had a fire on the beach after having a yummy barbeque.

Oh and it was about 30 degrees all week.
All in all, a fantastic holiday.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Growing things!

Been very quiet as my mind has been opened and frazzled with the prospect of becoming a mother... we are expecting our first child on 2nd November.

Very exciting, absolutely petrifying - the one thing that is for sure is that this is going to be an adventure. So glad to be sharing this with Flyingpops - it's so good to have someone I can say - is this normal? to. I also have two very good friends; one with two children and one with number 2 on the way, due in June. I quizzed the two latter about labour earlier today, over lunch - it has to be said my timing can be truly lousy at times! However, it is so fascinating, this is what the female body is designed for and with our bodies, we accomplish miraculous things!
So here is 'Bob' making his/her debut into the world that is the web...

The vegetable patches are coming along well too! So we seem to have green fingers - well Simon does, hehe ;-)

Monday, 30 March 2009

Day off!!!

A day to catch up on personal stuff that always takes second place to work, and also a day to relax. It is sunny so it's perfect timing!

Pics of the garden to monitor progress...

Garden in the morning sun
Sunshine through our stylish plastic greenhouse

The shoots at the back are the garlic, the smaller ones in the foreground are onions

Popping into Reigate this afternoon to introduce Lucy to some ex colleagues. They allow the staff to take their dogs in - in some cases every day or often, and in some other cases just occasionally. I think it is decided on merit :-) I am sure Lucy will be delighted to have an office to explore. Lots of people to lick and bins to check out.
Anyway, must get on with relaxing...

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Lack of inspiration...

Simon is sowing more seeds today - we decided to have meadow flowers and grasses to attract wildlife. That's if Lucy doesn't rake it all up by digging the hill over as she sometimes does!
This is about as far as the inspiration goes this week!

Have got my eye on caravans though... not a sensible idea as nowhere to keep one but I can dream....

Just got our Belltent, I know - never satisfied!

UPDATE: Since the heavens decided to open in a *big* way yesterday afternoon, I think most of the seeds will have been washed down the hill and will probably come up in a big clump which will look like someone with very special talents sowed them. Oh dear.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

(Meat) and two veg

I just wanted a smutty headline, as actually there is no meat and there are more than two veg... What am I talking about? Growing vegetables! We now have tomatoes, potatoes, garlic, onion and carrots on the go. To be followed by lots of yummyness in the coming months! We have courgettes but they are not to be planted yet. Can't remember what else there is! I also have some chilli plant seeds at work - the latest challenge set to media buyers across town courtesy of Country Living. It's a classic growing competition - winners will be those with largest plant, most chilli's etc etc. I am going to grow mine at home - hope that isn't cheating! ;-)

We had much fun yesterday at Scats Country Stores, picking out the kit that we needed. As usual, it was a bit of "all the gear, no idea", as £100 later we were back at home with chicken wire, posts, growbags, a mini greenhouse, loads of seeds etc etc. I should never doubt Simon though as a couple of hours later we have a full greenhouse and one finished patch protected by chickenwire! Just the second to finish - suppose I should help really. One bad thing though. I have discovered this morning that Lucy is spooked by the little chicken wire fence. A little chicken indeed, she won't voluntarily walk past it, which is going to be a pain as there is going to be a small walkway through the two veg patches. She's going to have to get used to it!

So that's us - very Tom and Barbara! Shame we don't live in Surbiton!

Some pics below...

Potatoes going through a process known as 'chitting' I believe(?)

Number 2 patch - yet to be filled and fenced

Number one patch with garlic and onions snug as a bug

Our little greenhouse - home for tomatoes, carrots and potatoes for now until it gets a bit warmer which looking at forecast, may not be very soon....

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Singing lessons

Had my second lesson last night, this time with Leon!


It is so cool, he recorded the whole lesson and gave it to me on a cd at the end. And said I had a fabulous voice - what a compliment! Not sure it was deserved, but nice all the same.

All good fun. Going to do a 6 week group evening group class starting at the end of March. Better start warming up now...

La, la, la, la, la, la....!

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Walking on the golf course last night

Just a couple of pictures from our walk last night. It was a beautiful evening and made more perfect by a large glass of Rioja at The Plough afterwards. Lovely!!

Friday, 20 February 2009

Planning our next trip and so glad it is Friday today!!

Thank goodness for Friday!

Am going to get planning for our next camping weekend so will come back with some thoughts next week.

Looking for somewhere that allows campfires no further than an hour from Redhill. Ooh the excitement. We need another adventure to look forward to.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Freebie at Charing Cross!!!

Following in the footsteps of Fink, who always makes me jealous with tales of his freebies at Canary Wharf, (I guess the inhabitants of the Wharf are deemed more attractive to brands! More cash in the pocket eh Fink? ;-)) this morning they were handing out Nesfrappe (see what they did there?!) at Charing Cross so I just had to have one. Very tasty it is too. Good old Nestle. Cheers! Sadly I am not technological enough to have taken a photo and uploaded it so you will have to use your imaginations.....

Monday, 16 February 2009

Camping calendar... when shall we go and where

Simon and I were talking about our next camping trip, which will probably be at Easter now. I figure if we can camp from April to October we'll be doing quite well - perhaps with a smattering of more extreme camping weekends depending on how daring we are feeling!

Simon is already dreaming of our next project which looks likely to be an Airstream caravan although it will have to be a long way off as a. they cost a lot, b. we have nowhere to put it and c. we have only just bought the bell tent!

I am keen to just get a bit more retro, so am thinking lots of Cath Kidston/Joules Clothing accessories, cute little picnic rugs, and a mismatched pastel array of cups, plates etc. Although that is probably far too girly for Simon and will be deemed unnacceptable I am sure!

Monday, 2 February 2009

A very snowy day in Redhill...

As it was so snowy we couldn't get to work so I worked from home, with a small extended lunch break (I did then work until 7pm so I don't feel guilty!) in the middle of the day for a fantastic walk in the white stuff. It was magical. We walked with Elaine from up the road and her dog, Amber. She is Lucy's official bezzie mate.

Lucy and Amber

Redhill & Reigate golf course / Earlswood Lakes... not quite sure, we had a fair old wander... ended up in the pub (for a v quick one) then home again!

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Our beautiful bell tent

With muddy background!

Our comfy bed - now there's no need to slum it just because we're camping...

The warming fire

Lucy and the gnome


Decided to start this blog to record the start of our new hobby... camping under canvas! We have just come back from a chilly weekend at Blackberry Wood, a site which Cool Camping reckons is one of the best in the country! It was good but we really didn't pick the best weekend to go. Anyhow, I will write more when I can, welcome to the blog!