Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Back to camping?

We've still got the camping bug, but as our Bell Tent got ruined (Gareth!!!!"£$%^ - he paid for it so it's ok really!) now have a 6 1/2 month old baby as well as a dog who gets spooked at the slightest sound outside, methinks tenting is not for us any longer.
What to do?
Retro caravan of course! Am eBaying like mad just watching loads of vans and getting an idea of what is cool and what is most definitely not cool... Need to look at how big we could go without knackering our car, how much we could realistically spend, what on earth caravanning is all about, could I customise a 70's/80's van with funky fabric to give us the cool look we love about retro canvas camping.... so much to think about and so many questions to answer! I love a project!!!

I'd love something like this!!

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Harry at six months old

I can't believe that Harry is now 6 months old. Seems hard to believe that someone who has only been with us for half a year has made and continues to make such a positive difference to our lives. I am writing this at 22.05 the day before and this time 6 months ago I was in total agony having been induced due to going over my dates. The day before Harry was born was the worst day of my life so far I have to say. I have never ever felt such pain. The process of being induced dragged on so long I almost didn't believe we would even have a baby. He was just so comfortable in there :)

At 23.26 on 13th November 2009 (Friday 13th!!), Harry joined us and it was one of the happiest moments our lives. He was placed onto my chest and I felt the most incredible love. Love like none I had ever felt before. Next I thought "My goodness you are heavy!!" And he was, relatively, at 8lb 15oz. He is now tipping the scales at just under 23lb. Scoffing most things he is presented with, giggling when his feet are tickled (or in fact whenever takes his fancy, if Mummy or Daddy say something random or pull a funny face), crying real tears when he is upset :(, making our lives totally and utterly complete. He is our gorgeous happy boy and being his Mummy is the best job in the world. Love you Harry, more than you can ever know until the day you have your own children. Amazing. xxxx

Friday, 30 April 2010

A quick update

Harry is 24 weeks old today
He can roll over
He is starting to blow raspberries
He has a love of banana and Rachel's Organic First Yoghurt
He has enjoyed being looked after for a few hours by Granny Ann, while Mummy went to work to have a meeting
He is going to have fun with Nanny and Richard tomorrow while Mummy & Daddy take Grandad to see Riverdance - front row tickets!!
He is really enjoying his Waterbabies lessons and is used as a 'demo' baby quite often so he can't be doing badly
He has the most amazing temperament I have ever known in one so young

How he was
And how he is now...

Monday, 22 February 2010

A weekend away - not what we expected

I am sat here on Sunday, it's 5pm and it's just me and the dog. We are sat in a glorious 4 bedroom cottage in a tiny hamlet called Laithes, nr Penrith, Cumbria. We rented it to enjoy spending time with our friends Jimmy & Alison along with their kids. Also a chance for them to meet Harry for the first time.
The first element of this that did not go to plan was that as Simon unexpectedly had to work until lunchtime on Friday (instead of being off all day), we left far later to get here, at 4pm. Being Friday, the traffic was terrible so we didn't arrive until 11pm, complete with a slightly grumpy Harry, not surprisingly really!! Then I woke feeling a bit rough resulting in Simon buying me some 'tummy upset' pills. I was then fine but Simon then caught whatever it is, then Harry lost a whole feed all over my jeans and the floor. Nice. So J, A and the kids packed up their stuff and went home about 8pm. Can't say I blame them! That left me and Lucy on the sofa feeling a bit bereft really. Simon then got banished to elsewhere in the house as he was VERY poorly and at this minute, still is. Harry is fine, I am fine, Lucy is in a mood because she wants to go out running, and Simon is in bed... Maybe we'll try this again later in the year...

UPDATE: We are home now, all better. Home sweet home. Harry was great on the journey, considering it's pretty much 6 hours in his carseat - with breaks, he cried toward the end but then I felt like crying too ;) bloody M25...

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Thursday, 11 February 2010

Redhill Common

This is where we walk our doggy and something new appeared today! It's a sort of totem pole and beautiful carved bench made out of half a tree trunk. Lovely for looking at the view.

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Sunday, 7 February 2010

Experimenting with LOMO apps

Found two v cool apps which recreate the style we would get if only we knew how to use our Diana camera properly!
Making a simple iPhone taken photo as so:

Look like this:



And this:

Cheating? A little bit, but I LOVE it!!

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Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Postnatal classes - Surestart centre

I started a 4 week course (2 hours once a week for 4 weeks) today. 3 of my NCT friends were there too which was nice.

It was kind of what I thought in that we will cover things like weaning, teeth etc.We might cover first aid too which would be handy. There were about 12 of us in the room, all with babies ranging from 8 weeks to about 4 months old so with lots in common!

The thing that did take me by surprise was we had to split into small groups and talk about our experiences in labour. I was the last to speak in my group and when I started talking about it I got really emotional and started crying. I thought I had come to terms with my induction and general horridness of the experience but it all came flooding back. It's strange because I have recovered in the sense that I definitely want another baby in the not too distant future, but I think I have a sense of loss that my labour was so far removed from how I wanted it to be. I was encouraged at NCT classes to make a definite birth plan and I think following that it was hard for me to come to terms with it being anything other than a birthing pool with limited intervention.

Anyway, I digress! One thing that was cute was they talked about a thing called BookStart which is all about encouraging babies to communicate at the earliest possible stage by reading to them from now onwards. We have been doing this a bit anyway, and they say talking to them a lot and singing is good too. So they gave us all a cotton fair trade shopping type bag and it had 2 free books in it which made it worthwhile going! One called Lullaby Lion and one called Noisy Day. I will be reading Lullaby Lion to Harry tonight.

I am looking forward to the remaining 3 sessions, always good to meet more mums in the area. I have got more genuine friends now than I think I have ever had before :)

Thursday, 28 January 2010

I love Coloursplash!!

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Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Work... still on my mind

Harry is really coming into his own now. Such a cute, sunny personality (most of the time, but not always!), he is an absolute joy to be with.

I have work like a dark cloud fogging the back of my brain, there like an elephant in the room. The fact is I will have to go back at some point, but I am going to get my calculator out to try and see how long we can survive without the salary for. I can technically have up until the end of September but we will see!

I think it is so sad the way life is these days - I really believe the best thing for most Mums and their children is for Mum to be at home with them. (Not all, mind. I do appreciate that we are all different so one size definitely does not fit all.) I wish I had thought deeply about this before being such a 'consumer'. I am probably the biggest consumer I know. Of all things. If we had been more frugal it would be much easier to consider being at home. Makes me feel sad and a little foolish.

I have some ideas about what I can do to make some money in a way that fits in more with the life I want to have with my family. Those ideas tap into my creative side that has laid dormant for the last 12 or so years. A long time to sit on such a strong side of my personality. I think becoming a mother has made me more in touch with who I am and I have discovered I am a person that I like. A bonus I suppose! ;)

A little deeper than I intended but there you have it.

Monday, 25 January 2010


I took Harry into my office today to show him off to everyone. He was gorgeous as usual. Lots of people asked me when I am going back to work but he's 10 weeks old, how can I even talk about it at the moment?! How can I leave these chubby cheeks while I go off to work?!

It's really made me think. This is simply the best job in the world and I can't imagine anything else right now.

Love you so much Harry xxx

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Sunday, 24 January 2010

Sleep, glorious sleep!!

Harry went for 9 hours last night! I am so proud of him.
Going to try to recreate what I did last night so fingers crossed he does it again!!
See, he's happy too!!!

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Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Coloursplash for iPhone...

I have downloaded this for my phone and it seems awesome though I am still experimenting with it so far. I have always loved the old coloured photos from the 20's, 30's (?) and this is kind of similar. It converts your pic to grayscale and then you can put the original colour back in wherever you want, so in this pic I have made Harry's eyes blue again and as I love the hat he's wearing I've given that colour too. Cool huh.

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Friday, 15 January 2010


Despite still having a poorly tum, Harry didn't wake for his last feed last night, and slept through his nappy change too. He woke at 4am for a feed, having gone from 7.30pm!! Well done Harry!

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Thursday, 14 January 2010

It's raining...

It's melting, this girl is so happy!!!

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Not fun

Had to remove Lucy's bandage as I think it was too tight - after having it on for 12 hours she was freaking out, not able to walk on it at all, kicking out her leg like the nerves were on edge and generally very miserable. No doubt the vet won't be impressed but I'm not impressed with her - sure it's not meant to cause issues like that!

So anyway, the day just gets better! Technically it's tomorrow already. Better get some sleep.

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Wednesday, 13 January 2010

This week is pants

Can't get anywhere easily due to the snow, Harry is still poorly, Lucy has a cut paw so had to have a bandage and glue at the vets (£59 so far...) and Simon is on nights so effectively I'm a single Mum.
Get well Harry, mummy's worried. Lucy stop running through the bushes as then you won't get come across glass and Simon... There's nothing you can do other than go to work and bring home the bacon. Sigh.

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Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Oh and the snow...

Seems to be melting a bit more now but there is yet more forecast for overnight. We will see what the morning brings.
We have ordered a mountain buggy and it should arrive tomorrow - really hope so as it will make taking the dog out a much easier process even in the snow not least because it has proper tyres and all round suspension! Eeek I can't wait!

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Poorly tummy

Poor little man has an upset tummy. Have been to the doctor twice in 24 hours and have been very impressed at how thorough they are with a young baby. Main concern is potential dehydration but he's judged not to be dehdrated so onwards we go, hoping it passes soon. He's ok in himself though he's quite sleepy today but when I'm ill it makes me tired so I'm not surprised he's having lots of snoozes.
In between he's reasonably happy though. This is him in the kitchen watching me tidy up and make chicken soup. It's good for the soul you know. :)

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Monday, 11 January 2010

Life and how it changes

So Harry John Cosmo arrived at 11.26pm on 13th November 2009 following a long labour.

Life since has been fantastic. Exhausting but wonderful.
He is such a happy, contented baby, he's a joy to be around. (Apart from when he has wind!)

The pic is from bathtime with Daddy on Saturday.

Starting swimming classes in Feb, can't wait!!

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